Filming and editing content for Allegheny Homestead takes a lot of time, but I love the process of telling our story and connecting with and learning from the community that has formed around the YouTube channel!
My goal is to tell stories in a way that allows you to experience the journey alongside me and not just be a bystander on the other side of the screen. To do this, I feel like it’s necessary to put in all the extra time and work to try to be as immersive as possible.
I want to keep expanding and growing, and I’m always looking for new ways to share our story and what we’ve learned from our successes and, yes, our failures too. But all of this requires time and money to do.
Running a YouTube channel can cost a lot more than I ever realized before I started this. Making quality videos requires expensive camera gear, equipment, music licensing, editing computers, and video editing software. It has become a never-ending expense to pursue the production of quality content.
Your support helps more than you imagine to keep the channel going.
In full disclosure, I am finally getting a trickle of income from ad placements on YouTube, but the ongoing costs still outweigh the small gains.